Liquid Wind Privacy policy.


Liquid Wind takes privacy seriously and complies with the privacy laws. Customers, employees and other stakeholders can trust that we manage data privacy in a correct and transparent way. Our Privacy Policy is to be followed by all employees as well as by suppliers and external persons working with and for Liquid Wind.

1. Our ambition

Your personal privacy and the protection of your personal data are important to Liquid Wind AB. We ensure compliance with laws and rules for the protection of personal information that are in effect at any given time. The intent of our Privacy Policy is to inform you about how we collect, process and share your personal data.

Personal data relates to any information that can be connected to you personally. This could be information such as your name, personal identity number, phone number, email address, your image (if you can be clearly identified), etc.

2. How we process your personal data

When you subscribe to our newsletter

When you subscribe to our newsletters, we process the personal data you provide to us. Your name, email address and any other information you provide is collected.

We may process your data to improve our newsletter, this is done with the support of so-called legitimate interests. This means that we have made the assessment that there is an interest for us to be able to improve our services and that this outweighs your interest of not having your data processed for this purpose.

Why do we process your personal data and what right do we have to do so?

Your personal data is processed to manage your subscription to the newsletter. When your personal data is processed to manage your subscription, this is done so that we can do what we promised when you became a subscriber (that is, to fulfill our agreement). Accordingly, we require your data to be able to send the newsletter to you.

Who is personal data collected from?

We receive personal data directly from you when you register as a subscriber to our newsletter and when you read the newsletter.

Who is your personal data shared with?

Your personal data is also processed by suppliers who conduct services on our behalf, in this case, Mailchimp, which is the platform we use for distribution of newsletters. Read more about Mailchimp at

How long is your information stored?

You can choose to unsubscribe to the newsletter at any time using the links in the e-mail or by emailing When you unsubscribe, you will no longer receive the newsletter but your data will still be stored.

If you would like your data to be erased please email

If you live near a location where we are looking to build an eMethanol facility

When we search for the best location to build one of our facilities, we are obliged to collect input and feedback from residents in the immediate area. This is done through one of our partners. The personal data that we obtain will only be processed for this purpose and in accordance with Swedish Environmental Code (1998:808). If you have questions, please email

3. Transfer of personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA

We may transfer your information to the United States in connection with our use of Mailchimp. The transfer is necessary for us to manage our newsletter and is based on the fact that the recipient of the data is certified under the Privacy Shield regulations and thereby commits to complying with these rules. In general, your personal data is not sent to other countries. If we should require to send your personal data to partners in countries outside the EU/EEA, such as the US or the UK, we use the standard contractual clauses that have been approved by the European Commission to ensure that your personal data has adequate protection. If you would like to know more about these standard contractual clauses, you can read more here: odel-contracts-transfer-personal-data-third-countries.

4. Security measures

Your personal data is to be processed in accordance with the law and in a secure manner. There are procedures to protect your personal data and safeguard your privacy. For example, we only process such data that we genuinely require and we are careful to erase personal data when it is no longer needed.

5. Your rights

Liquid Wind AB, corporate registration number: 559113-8267, at address Sankt Eriksgatan 6, SE-411 05 Gothenburg, is the personal data controller for processing your personal data. This means that we are responsible for your personal data being processed correctly and in accordance with the applicable personal data legislation.

Please contact, if you have any questions.

You are entitled to know what personal data we are processing that is related to you and may request a copy of these. You are entitled to have incorrect personal data about you corrected and you can, in certain cases, request that we erase your personal data (for example, if the personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose). You are entitled at any time to withdraw your consent to the processing, which we conduct because you have approved it. It is important to note that, if you withdraw your consent, it only applies prospectively and does not apply to processing that has already taken place. You are also entitled to object to certain processing of your personal data and request that the processing of your personal data is limited. Note that a limitation or erasure of your personal data may mean that we are unable to fulfill our obligations. You are also entitled to receive your personal data in a machine-readable format and to transfer the data to another personal data controller.

If you are dissatisfied with the way in which we process your personal data, you have the right to report such dissatisfaction to the Integrity Protection Authority (Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten), which is the supervisory authority for our personal data processing.

If you have any questions about how we process your personal data or you want to exercise the rights you have when we process your personal data, you are welcome to contact


This policy is only applicable to Liquid Wind AB’s website. When you are linked to another website, we recommend that you read the personal information policy in effect for that page. Liquid Wind AB assumes no responsibility for the processing of your personal data by other businesses or websites.

6. Changes to the policy

Liquid Wind AB reserves the right to make changes to this policy on an ongoing basis, to the extent the changes are necessary to manage disruptions or to fulfill new legal or technical requirements. All changes to this Privacy Policy will be published on